4 Quick Ways To Add Spice To Your Content

We are human. We love to talk and hear others do so. Posts, blogs, infographics, images and videos, all satisfy this basic human need. Since our mind thinks in images, visual content scores over all other forms of content. Photos and videos are the best form of content because visual is how we make sense of the world around us. We at OgreLogic, Austins leading content marketing agency, share 4 simple tips to supercharge your content marketing strategy, share 4 simple tips to supercharge your content marketing strategy.
High quality, context appropriate images added to your blog or article catch the viewers attention instantly. Animated GIFs are an innovative way to showcase otherwise boring statistics and figures.
Font and Formatting is visual too.To be honest, most content is visual (unless it is audio). The font type and size, spacing, paragraph size, headings and sub-heads, bullets and numbering, everything is visual. Ignoring any element can cost you in a big way. Shares, comments, likes, re-tweets, all depend upon how interesting your content is, say content marketers at OgreLogic, Austin.
Our lives are about stories; we live in them. How-to videos, teasers, interviews, innovations such as Facebooks auto playing videos have made it hard for the viewer to miss your content.
Interesting infographics appeal to the child in all of us. Content in an infographic unfolds as in a story and keeps the reader engaged till the end. Tedious content such as data and figures suddenly starts making sense when presented visually as in a chart, graph or infographic. Visual equals more engagement and more set of eyes looking at what you have to say. Enrich your content with an eye-catching visual and watch your business grow.