Importance Of Visual Media

The human mind thinks in images, hence, the idiom, seeing is believing.We, at Ogrelogic, believe that integrating visual content in your marketing campaign is the golden key to stay on the top of your game in the digital era. You only have a few moments to catch the eyeballs of the short attention span web user. With engaging infographics, picture stories, interesting images, cute videos, funny memes and contextual comics, your brand can leave a lasting imprint on the viewers mind. Our experts at Ogrelogic advise you to set your target audience into action by telling a seamless story instead of just bombarding the visitor with an assortment of images and videos.
Even in traditional marketing, storytelling has proven to be the best method of getting the message across. Visual imagery involves the viewer in the storytelling experience. That makes visuals the content of choice if you want your customer to bond with your brand. Photos and videos make your website info and product/service features easy to recall. Team Ogrelogic, the leading Digital Marketing Company in Texas says, To grab the attention of the web-trotter, the best idea is to have a combination of text and graphics.A single interesting infographic could present a lot of content which is easy on the eye, rather than page after page of tedious text.Visuals go viral in no time, so sharing and engagement is considerably higher than any other form of content. Visuals send your marketing message across without being in the face of the viewer. On Facebook, videos posted per person in US alone has increased by 94% from 2013 to 2014, and is on the rise in 2015. With more than one million users, 300 hours of videos are uploaded on YouTube every minute.
A picture is worth a thousand words. Learning by seeing is the mantra of the day as consumers shift preferences from text to photo. Research predicts that 74% of all Internet traffic will be video in 2017. Visuals are no longer the icing on the cake, they are the cake itself and more.