Top 3 Reasons To Integrate Social Media in your Android Apps

Apps have been around for a while. But their true potential can only be harnessed when they are integrated with social media. This trend of social media integration in android apps has been a game-changer. Here are the biggest reasons why all apps should utilize social media integration.
Enhanced Functionality
Instagram and Tinder, both have social media integrated seamlessly in their setup. Instagram lets users login through their Facebook account as well as share their Instagram-filtered images on Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare and other networks. Social media integration within an app can enhance the app’s functionality as well as user experience significantly. Tinder also lets users login through Facebook, but it also pulls data from their Facebook to show mutual interests and mutual friends for the matches. Social media integration can also enable other features in an app such as recommending products to other users. At the same time, they can see the recommendations made by someone they are following. This adds credibility to the products and services which persuades users to buy.
In-app Sharing
When you integrate social media in an app, you make in-app social sharing possible. For example, your business’s app can have its Facebook page feeds placed inside the app which enables the users to know about an event it has organized, get updates on it and interact with others without leaving the app.
Social login in an app allows users to login through social media platforms,offering easy access to the app, which would only otherwise be possible through a long series of steps. Easy accessibility is quite useful in case of e-commerce apps where users get frustrated when they have to create an account to buy products. A social login enables new customers to sign up to a retail site and start shopping immediately.
More Downloads
If social media sites are integratedin an app, userscome across the app’s download link in their social media feed. This promotes more app downloads, user onboarding and finally higher conversions. Users can see the purchases made by their friends and other people, giving them the required push to make purchases.
Increased Usage
When the sign up and login for the app is faster, more people would use the app. As users stay updated with news feeds and friends’ activity, the app gets more visits and a higher usage.
More Revenue
When you get more people to download and use your app, it also becomes a new revenue channel. If you are looking for reputed social media marketing or an Texas app development company, get in touch with OgreLogic in Texas. OgreLogic’s online marketers, app and web developers and designers and analysts solve real problems through research, design and execution. Their passion for everything digital includes yet goes beyond websites, apps, search and social.